Assign modules on offcanvas module position to make them visible in the sidebar.

  • Direction ul. Wybickiego 3a, Kraków
  • Phone 12 629 85 90


SEKRETARIAT SZKOŁY POKÓJ NR 5 ( PARTER ) czynny od poniedziałku do czwartku w godzinach 9.00 - 14.00 i w czasie trwania zajęć

Harmonogram zajęć dostępny jest na stronie szkoły pod linkiem:

ALIOR BANK - nr 12 2490 0005 0000 4600 8916 0476
Nazwa odbiorcy: Zakład Doskonalenia Zawodowego, 31-261 Kraków, ul. Wybickiego 3a
Tytuł przelewu: Imię i Nazwisko, semestr oraz miesiąc za który dokonuje się opłaty
Kwota: 100 zł


404 OOPS!

Page not found!

"Sorry, it appears the page you were looking for does not exist anymore or might have been moved.
Please try your luck again."

Take me home


This is a Joomla! article displayed as custom 404 page.

How to modify this page?
Step 1: Go to Content -> Article Manager.
Step 2: Find and edit the "Error 404" article.

How is the search module displayed?
It is displayed using the "Content - Load Modules" plugin. It allows to display a module in a Joomla article.
The module is published on the following position: error404-search

How to display a different article as custom 404 page?
If you want to display other article, you need to change the article ID in the following location: /templates/jm-services/error.php

Offline Page


There is a possibility to disable access to the front of your site.

How to enable the offline page?
Step 1: Go to "System -> Global Configuration -> Site".
Step 2: Click on "Yes" for "Site Offline" option.
Step 3: Fill in a text for "Offline Message" to give your visitors some explanation about why your website is unavailable.
Step 4: Click on "Save" to save your settings.

How to customize the offline page?
You need to edit the following file: /templates/jm-services/offline.php

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